Caring for Your Rosewood Furniture

Caring for Your Rosewood Furniture

You have purchased your rosewood furniture… now what? The thought of taking care of wood furniture can be daunting, especially to those that have never owned solid hardwood furniture before. But fear not, it is an easy task! Wood furniture is a living entity, and just like the human skin, it needs love and care. If you get any spillage on your furniture, wipe it down with a damp cloth. For dusting your furniture, a dry cloth works perfectly. Don't place your furniture close to a heater, as excessive heat may cause the wood to expand. Rosewood is a hardwood, and therefore it is extremely hard to ding or scratch. However, dings can easily be filled using putty pencils and scratches covered up with stain pens. All these can be found at your nearest Home Depot. For scratches that are too deep, you can easily sand down the area and refinish it. For any questions with the care of your furniture, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
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